Open Badge Factory

Open Badge is a lot more than a digital picture

Open badge is verified proof of learning because it contains metadata that tells about the issuer of the badge and contains precise criteria on how the skills and competencies of the badge earner have been recognised. Open Badges can be shared in social media platforms, in CV's, portfolios, blogs and anywhere online! 

Our platform Open Badge Factory (OBF) is for organisations that want to issue Open Badges to recognise the skills, achievements and learning of their interest groups (customers, students, employees etc.). OBF has a comprehensive set of tools for creating, issuing and managing Open Badges and it's what your organisation needs if you are planning on designing and managing a meaningful, consistent and sustainable badge system that will build your reputation over time!

Our platform Open Badge Factory is being used in over 90 different countries, it offers several user languages and is easy to use. You can get a free trial at the Premium level for 60 days when you first sign up on our website:

More Information

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Twitter: @OBFactory_


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